Temple of Cosmic Astrology is an online astrology school with various courses, workshops and resources available to support your study of Astrology. Our school was founded in 2017 by Astrologer Katie Emma, who has been living and breathing astrology for close to 20 years! Teaching is Katie’s passion, and her legacy is to mentor and guide budding astrologers in their own personal practice, self-development and path of evolution.

TCA School offers a range of online courses including our popular Annual programs, where you will spend a year exploring the cosmos in a small and intimate group of fellow astro nerds like yourself! Our school year begins every October and runs until July across 3 terms for all levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Students looking for a more casual approach to their study will enjoy our online Community Classes which are held 4-6 times per year on various astrology topics and skill-sets, and include detailed printable workbooks. These classes are offered on a pay-what-you-can basis as we believe education should be accessible. All Community Classes are then available to purchase as replays which you can find in our shop.

For those wishing to take their astrology practice to a deeper level - we offer a limited amount of private mentoring programs each year for dedicated students, where you will undertake private tuition with Katie with the content tailored to your own personal needs and knowledge level. You can learn more about our mentorship program here.