Aries New Moon - Self Initiation - 24/3/20

The New Moon occurred today at 4 degrees Aries at 9:28am GMT. With the moon conjunct Chiron (soul wounds and healing) and square the nodes (destiny and karma/the past), this lunation falls in the midst of a collective crisis point. Chiron in Aries requires you to be a warrior for your own self-healing, to learn to rely on yourself. However, when this transit runs rampant in those lacking self-awareness, we can see the shadow or wound of Chiron in Aries manifest - a me-first attitude. We can see this playing out right now on the world stage with panic buyers, or those refusing to take precautions and accept the fact that we are indeed, in a pandemic, and that staying home, if possible, is for the good of all. This situation is bigger than the individual, but without the individual thinking and acting consciously, others will suffer.

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Awakened Astrology Course - May 2020 Intake Now Open!

Awakened Astrology is a 12 week intensive online course that merges 5D astrology teachings with the evolution and unfoldment of your own divine destiny along the path of awakening. This course is quantum in nature, but the content is taught in a simple, practical manner, so you can apply and utilise this cosmic wisdom in your everyday life. ⁣

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Scorpio New Moon - The Souls Evolution

The new moon in Scorpio is exactly opposed Uranus in Taurus, both at 4 degrees, and along with the Sun, are aligning with the powerful 444 frequency. Synonymous with spiritual awakening, this number sequence activates sudden life experiences and circumstances which push you forth on an accelerated path of embodiment and enlightenment. Esoterically, the 4th Ray is the nature of ‘harmony through conflict’, and is seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. What we seek can be grasped once we move through the chaos and conflict stirred by the process of sudden changes and shocking events that push us to grow beyond any limited and conditioned beliefs of ourselves. This astrology is pushing boundaries.

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Aries Full Moon - Inner Authority

The Full Moon occurs at 20 degrees Aries, and is making some potent aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto. This moon seeks expansion and self expression, and the courage to give to yourself first, no matter what external noise you are being drawn into, or what inner, fear-based dialogue you may have been battling with this year. You bring so much more to this world when your heart is full.

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Fall Equinox

On September 23, as the sun moves to 0 degrees Libra, we transition into the fall equinox (or spring in the Southern Hemisphere). The shifts between mutable and cardinal seasons are always profound, as it heralds great change and transformation, a zero point at the turn of the wheel. A new beginning is birthed whilst we traverse the in-between realms. As day and night are equal in length now, balance is seeking to be restored - between light and darkness, masculine and feminine, of duality. Work with this seasonal shift to harvest all that you have sown since the equinox at the beginning of the astrological new year (March 21), to prepare for the coming night and winter.

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Saturn Direct - Sept '19

We are living in profound and pivotal times. The gateway to the Saturn Pluto conjunction on 13 January 2020 is now open, and we have stepped into an accelerated period of soul evolution as we prepare for the greatest cosmic shakeup we will experience collectively in this lifetime. These past 5 months since 30 April have taken you into a space of deep reflection, leaving you feeling detached, isolated and full of self-doubt, especially relating to themes in your life around the house Saturn is transiting in your own natal chart.

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn 16/7/19


Today’s partial lunar eclipse occurs at 24 degrees Capricorn, conjunct Pluto. This is activating a profound moment in your souls evolution, helping you shed karmic imprinting deeply imbedded within not only your physical body, but your soul, especially around the house themes where this energy manifests in your own chart. What has been hidden, is now being revealed. With Pluto currently retrograde, he is guiding us even deeper into our shadows to be reborn like a Phoenix. You will rise from this... whatever you are going through, feeling or experiencing, you will come through this the other side. This purge cycle is to assist us in making unconscious patterns conscious, so we can break free from ancestral trauma and self-imposed prisons. It’s heavy work, but rich in evolutionary rewards.

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Cosmic Shifts - May

Once a month, I collaborate with the beautiful Shamama Hunting Owl, to bring you astrology guidance in alignment with messages she channels for her incredible tribe of awakening souls on her Youtube channel. Here is this months video, along with the transcription of my astrology insights.

May comes in like a breath of fresh air, a welcome relief after the intense cosmic weather we have been navigating throughout March and April. 

There is not a lot of action this month with regards to major transits, and with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto retrograde until the Fall, we are being guided within during this more introspective period, to work with and process the many shifts - and gifts - received so far in 2019, and in preparation for the July eclipses. With timelines collapsing and shifting faster than ever, there is a constant stream of experiences to unpack and process, but with less time to dwell in the mind - it’s the body and souls expression that is leading the way now.  

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Cosmic Shifts - April

Once a month, I collaborate with the beautiful Shamama Hunting Owl, to bring you astrology guidance in alignment with messages she channels for her incredible tribe of awakening souls on her Youtube channel. Here is this months video, always with the transcription of my astrology insights.

April begins with a powerful conjunction between Pluto and the South Node. This is an intense karmic clearing of ancestral lines and for some lightworkers and starseeds, clearing and holding space for the collective as they too transition through this plutonic cycle. This aspect heralds an immense shift on a truly cosmic scale, and what is unraveling now will culminate in January 2020 with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, for these weeks are an imperative part of the greater story unfolding in the collective astrology and global awakening taking place over the coming years. What is shrouded in darkness is being brought to light. You may feel in the very depths of despair, hopelessness and heartache now, but these emotions are pushing through the cracks of your walls to break them down, and push your forth onto your higher path, and away from the mirage and illusions that have been attempting to distract you. 

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New Moon in Aries

The Aries New Moon is a welcome burst of energy to ignite a fire from deep within you - your true Soul expression. Occurring at 15 degrees, it is the midpoint between the two full moons, at 0 and 29 degrees of its sister sign, Libra. The moon is also forming a square to Saturn, which is assisting you in actualising this true soul expression into your physical word. It is also square the Pluto and South Node conjunction aspect we are experiencing at this time, which has been an intense karmic clearing of ancestral lineages. With this energy, you can break down any barrier in your way if you believe you can. So stop doubting yourself.

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Cosmic Shifts - Welcome to March

Once a month, I collaborate with the beautiful Shamama Hunting Owl, to bring you astrology guidance in alignment with messages she channels for her incredible tribe of awakening souls on her Youtube channel. Here is this months video, always with the transcription of my astrology insights.

Beloveds, March 6th is one of the most pivotal days of 2019 for twinflames, starseeds and Lightworkers. Within a 24 hour period we have: 

• Mercury retrograde at 29 deg Pisces
• The New moon at 15 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune  

• Uranus at 0 deg Taurus 

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2018 - A Reflection 🌙



A year of living in the liminal space and learning the art of patience. It was a year to trust in being held safely within the void, in those quiet internal spaces, seeking the beauty and magic dwelling in the seemingly ‘nothing’ moments, of which there many in a year full of retrograde motion.

Emotionally, it’s been the most difficult year I’ve experienced in many, many years. The highs and lows have been wilder than my life before I got sober. Nothing makes you feel like you’re losing it

like a ‘dark night of the soul’, and even more so when it’s not your first descent into the underworld of the awakening journey. A constant spiral of clearing, purging, release, healing, integration, recalibration, growth and embodiment... as the cycle begins again...and again.

I’ve cried more tears than I ever thought possible; even for this soft, fragile Pisces Rising/Venus/North Node gal.

I learned that being vulnerable is EVERYTHING. A huge moment for an Aquarian, and still very much a work in progress.. but the shift to vulnerability and keeping my heart open has begun.

Moving overseas alone is fucking hard. Nothing can truly prepare you for it. I’ve learned to love change, and movement is restorative for me, but starting over from scratch on the other side of the world - knowing less than a handful of people, and not speaking the language - has been tougher than I expected. Not having my incredible support network at arms reach broke me. Arriving in Lisbon was the first time I knew I was running towards something, not away from it. I let go of all of the physical and emotional baggage I’ve been carrying for aeons to allow space for this total life reset. The path is still being revealed, but I have inherent trust in the soul whispers that guided me to this place, and I know clarity is on the horizon. And already I have met some of those most incredible people in Portugal, soul família for life ️❤️

Even in the eeriest moments of penetrating silence... I’ve still heard a faint heartbeat. A constant, primal rhythm drawing me deeper into the void... and in this reflective space, the stark realisation that this bond can never be broken. Forever two halves of the same whole.

Ending the year in Glastonbury has been hugely cathartic, I have such a strong connection to the land here, and a remembrance of ancestors long forgotten - the priestesses of Avalon. I was lucky enough to spend both the summer and winter solstice on top of the Tor and at Chalice Wells, and they are moments I will uphold with reverence forever.

In 2019, I dance with the divine and surrender further to the natural rhythm and flow of my destiny. I am letting the feminine lead the way.

Katie x


New Moon in Sagittarius



Sagittarius is the archetype of the philosopher, the curious and enthusiastic student of life... an optimist on a quest to explore and encounter all that life has to offer to the eternal seeker, and this new moon is leading you into unchartered territory - we are all walking this path together, and all we have to follow is our unwavering faith and our deepest heart-knowing. Logic alone is no longer a dependable resource in the new earth frequency 🏹🌈

You can no longer get away with half-baked dreams and unfulfilling relationships just to pass the time. Distractions and time-wasting from your path are now done. What is your mission as a sovereign being? The past seven year cycle has taught us that there is always something better than the fear or mediocracy we choose. And you deserve so much more, beloved.

We are anchoring deeper into the new paradigm as 2018 comes to a close - there is no set path, no set outcome and no set rules when you disconnect from the collective hysteria and plug into your own sacred Source. Fine-tune your frequency to the cosmic codes broadcasting from Uranus square the nodes of fate, with Uranus, the Great Awakener, being the final planet in retrograde once Chiron moves direct over the weekend.

No one has ever found their truth by choosing fear over love, so choose wisely sweet soul. Your heart knows, oh how your heart knows ❤️

With the new moon occurring just hours after mercury stationed direct - now in Scorpio - we are feeling free to plant the seeds for our boldest dreams yet - it’s soul embodiment, aligning with the realms of your highest and most sacred purpose. The way forward has been reset - trust the navigation of your Soul.

Much love,
Katie x

Scorpio Season Unveiling


Baby Katie in early 2015. Twenty-seven.This photo was taken during my first week living in Bali. Completely heartbroken, shattered and fragile... in the midst of running away from myself, my problems and nagging self-doubt and apathy, instead of facing myself with compassion and love. And boy did Bali teach me, in no uncertain terms, how to face my shit! There’s no greater place to be present for an immersion in your own darkness, as well to illuminate so much inherent light and divine magic within I was also in the midst of some of the deepest layers of healing and unraveling of ancestral trauma I’ve experienced. Bali brought up everything from my depths to be exposed, whether I was ready or not. The true essence of awakening.

This is the Katie who did the ground work and emotional labour for the lightness of being and freedom from suffering that I now know exists beyond the confines of my own limitations. Of course I still suffer, and experience heartbreak, and I’m riddled with anxieties, insecurities and of all kinds of complexities that most of you wouldn’t believe I think about myself if you heard my internal thoughts - I mean, I’m human (mostly ♒️). Those who know me well are aware of my Larry David-esque neurosis and “quirks” haha.

But what’s changed is that I no longer choose to drown and lose myself in these fears and programming. I spent countless nights in solitude in Bali... awake until all hours in my garden with my face buried in books, or my eyes staring at the stars learning about the cosmos and all the ancient secrets I’d forgotten I know, remembering who I really am - outside of cultural and family conditioning - and what I came here to embody and share with the collective. And still now, I spend countless nights in solitude studying my soul, the stars, collective shifts and the wisdom of the ages.

I offer myself on the altar of the divine - Portugal, November 2018

I offer myself on the altar of the divine - Portugal, November 2018

Moving to Portugal is the first time in my life I wasn’t running away from something, but instead, I was running towards it Facing myself in the mirror. Committed to being more vulnerable, no matter what confusion, triggers or silence I may face. And that acceptance changed everything. Choosing to keep my heart open and full of love even when I felt defeated. I still don’t have all the answers or the clarity I’d “expected”, and perhaps I never will... but my heart is so full. There’s no other way to live than with hope and faith in my heart, and a genuine excitement and curiosity for all that remains unknown as I surrender into the dance of divine timing.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J




Full moons illuminate what we have been nurturing and cultivating in alignment with the corresponding new moon 6 months prior, where those seeds of possibility were planted into the starry cosmos ✨

Looking back to the December 2017 new moon in Sagittarius, how have you blossomed, grown and awakened further into your hearts truth and soul mission? Most likely your experience has differed to your initial expectations, yet have they not been equally, if not more beautiful, as you’ve explored the twists and turns the 3D mind could not foresee? This frequency shifts too fast for us to try and predict what our future holds. The more we let go of clinging to certain outcomes and instead drop into our hearts, the higher we shall soar.

This full moon highlights how we can no longer settle for half truths and unfulfilling connections. The pieces of the puzzle have come together, and where there has been any doubt, the Sagittarius arrows of truth are shooting right into the heart of the matter, in an explosion of infinite bliss and awe as you spiral deeper into your true magnificence.

With this moon aspecting Chiron and the North Node, we are being transmuted in the holy flames of Shekinah, burning away and releasing all karmic ties that are holding us back from merging our inner feminine and masculine flames, as one, united, sovereign being. Soul aspects lost from long ago are continuing to return home to our inner heart temple, an integration process we began many moons ago is now coming to culmination as May comes to a close, in preparation for the next cycle unfolding in later half of this year.

Commit to living a heart-centred and passionate existence. Commit to your dreams, trusting in your divine abilities of manifestation and magick as you take intuitive action now. Commit to being you in all your grace and radiance beloveds. Don’t lose sight of the end goal. So much is coming to fruition over the eclipse season in July/August, and you are so, so close. Don’t give up now 🔥🔥🔥

Much love,
Katie xx

Do you need assistance navigating these cosmic energies? Email or DM me to see how I can be of service to you 💌

🌻 Art by @harleyandj