New Moon in Aquarius

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J

βœ¨πŸŒ™βœ¨MOON VIBES βœ¨πŸŒ™βœ¨


With the solar eclipse occurring in around 12 hours, this energy is closing a 2 week portal we have been traversing as we continue to anchor through our being many cosmic downloads and solar/lunar encodings, forming the rainbow bridge between our 3D and 5D consciousness 🌈🌈🌈 This is the rebirth, and opens the next chapter of the greater story unfolding across the Leo/Aquarius axis, to be completed in August 2018 before the next nodal shift transitions.

Being a South Node eclipse, there is a strong element of release and clearing of past experiences to pave a new way forward. Much of the information to be found on the South Node tends to speak of karma and past lives negatively, but to me, I see it also holds great potential for magick, soul growth and expansion, because held within our past self is the blossoming of our most sacred and divine soul gifts, waiting to burst forth when you have the courage to face the path your North Node is calling you upon. Spend time during the lead up to this moment by looking within your natal South Node energy to bring forth these gifts you embody, ready to be sparked by the Uranian genius frequency of this Aquarian eclipse portal πŸŒ€

We are all learning to love. None of us are perfect, and we’re all figuring out this cosmic dance along the way, that’s the beauty of the journey itself. We all crave the same deep love and acceptance as the next person, and there are many different paths to choose along this quest for Union. We want soul recognition. We desire to be truly seen in the eyes of our beloved, having firstly seen our own selves with these adoring eyes. Who do you feel aligned with? Are you ready to allow yourself be seen as the illustrious being that you are?

Listen to what your higher heart is saying to you as the sun is briefly consumed by the lunar light, the shadow self. You are seeing a moment into the void of what is being made manifest under this powerful, celestial alignment.
Think big, dream big, act big ✨✨✨

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email πŸ’Œ

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj