New Moon Eclipse in Cancer 2/7/19


And just like that, we’re back in the midst of eclipse season, a swirling vortex of potentialities and timeline shifts. With trust in trust, and faith in faith, you are hand-in-hand with divine destiny now, with only the certainty of change as your guiding compass.

Today’s solar eclipse occurs at 10 degrees Cancer, making aspects to both Chiron and Saturn. If we can find a home within, we can weather any emotional storms blowing in. The square to Chiron indicates healing through facing a skipped step - think back to the the last total solar eclipse of August 2017, to see what may still require some attention, through loving words and acknowledgement, or perhaps just simply, acceptance. Of all that has transpired, so you can stop feeling stuck in your memories and the past, and instead step boldly into the North Node in Cancer frequency of kindness and compassion of Self, and all living beings. Forgiveness heals.

The Cancer/Capricorn axis brings focus to family, ancestors, legacy, public image, emotions, vulnerability (or lack thereof) and the Soul. We are all being called to explore these themes. The house in your chart will give extra dimension to how these themes will personally be transformed by the July eclipse tunnel. Those with planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will be feeling and experiencing the most profound shifts and sudden realignments, however this a deeply sensitive and life-altering time for all.

Much of what emerges over the July eclipse tunnel are plot twists of the highest divine order in preparation for the epic Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020. It’s time to ride the cosmic wave and let destiny and fate lead the way 🌈

Much love,
Katie x

Art by Harley and J