Saturn Direct - Sept '19


We are living in profound and pivotal times. The gateway to the Saturn Pluto conjunction on 13 January 2020 is now open, and we have stepped into an accelerated period of soul evolution as we prepare for the greatest cosmic shakeup we will experience collectively in this lifetime. These past 5 months since 30 April have taken you into a space of deep reflection, leaving you feeling detached, isolated and full of self-doubt, especially relating to themes in your life around the house Saturn is transiting in your own natal chart. However, what has felt like isolation and separation has been divine protection - an incubation period to hold you safe as you delved deep into your karmic imprinting and ancestral lineage to unearth these limiting patterns and transform this lingering self-doubt into unwavering knowing. Saturn is the Master and Alchemist, and working with his medicine turns breakdowns into breakthroughs if you can walk bravely through the initiation. ⁣⁣
As Saturn makes his final karmic conjunction to the South Node between now and mid-October, we move through our past and our wounds, face ourselves and our fears, and gather our tools that have guided us through this introspective time. Frame these next 3 months as a time to prepare for the complete restructuring of life as you know it, as we prepare for the deep soul excavation that will be the epochal Saturn Pluto conjunction in January.⁣⁣
The coming Libra season will not come without challenge - with all the personal planets forming consecutive square aspects with Saturn, the South Node and Pluto - October will be a time of immense growth through circumstances which manifest in order for you to put all that you have learned through this deeply karmic retrograde season into practice. Allow what is crumbling to fall away - your old ways of doing, seeing, perceiving and acting are no longer failsafe - the unknown is the only tangible known that you have. Trust in the magic and mystery unveiling.
And so, where things have felt stuck, silent, deserted... you will soon see movement begin beloveds.

Image: @ingmvr_