Aries New Moon - Self Initiation - 24/3/20



The New Moon occurred today at 4 degrees Aries at 9:28am GMT. With the moon conjunct Chiron (soul wounds and healing) and square the nodes (destiny and karma/the past), this lunation falls in the midst of a collective crisis point. Chiron in Aries requires you to be a warrior for your own self-healing, to learn to rely on yourself. However, when this transit runs rampant in those lacking self-awareness, we can see the shadow or wound of Chiron in Aries manifest - a me-first attitude. We can see this playing out right now on the world stage with panic buyers, or those refusing to take precautions and accept the fact that we are indeed, in a pandemic, and that staying home, if possible, is for the good of all. This situation is bigger than the individual, but without the individual thinking and acting consciously, others will suffer.

Interestingly, Mercury, Venus and Mars have all made tight aspects to their higher octaves - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto respectively, in the past 48 hours. While these planets are often in communication, to have them connect with their own planetary higher self simultaneously, is quite rare and incredible. The one that caught my eye in particular is the separating sextile between Mercury and Uranus, because the Sun, Moon, Chiron and Lilith are uniting these two planets, bridging the lower astral mind with the higher, divine mind. Particularly with Chiron there, it acts as a multidimensional bridge between the heavens and humanity. This is occurring between 4-8 degrees of Pisces (Mercury), Aries (New Moon) and Uranus (Taurus). If you have any planets or angles at these degrees, or via square or opposition, these planetary archetypes within you are coming online, a collective clarion call of awakening, embodiment and heart-led leadership. It is time to answer this cosmic call. We need you.

These past weeks have felt explosive, even before Aries season officially began, due to the passage of Mars, the ruler of Aries, stirring up mayhem as he traversed the degrees of Capricorn where the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020 took place, sparking the collapse of global and financial institutions, with this just the beginning of the fallout, as we move through the final 4 years of Pluto in Capricorn, until he shifts into Aquarius in 2024. We are on the precipice of a major global shakeup and revolution. Mars and Saturn will form a conjunction in Aquarius on 31 March, showing that the cosmic warrior still has some challenges to face in this week on this earthly battlefield. Until he moves beyond the boundaries of Saturn in early April, we are going to feel restricted, both mentally and physically. In the meantime, we are being guided to rest, reflect, heal, create, serve, honour, pray and do our inner work, for self-reflection offers many insights beyond what the conscious mind sees externally. As within, so without.

With the New Moon in the sign of Mars’ rulership during this spiritual battle, we are being called to step up and take charge of our own lives. To protect those who are more vulnerable than us. These times have been spoken of for aeons, and are to shake us all out of complacency. It is time to take our healing into our own hands, not just for ourselves, but for humanity #stayathome

You were born for these times, divine warriors.

The Chandra Symbol for the New Moon is:
The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees' kissing.
Honoring the spirit within at all costs. Insisting upon the vertical aspect in all things. You feel driven by the heart to go to any lengths to express and embody the realization of divinity. Intoxicated with the Divine, called beyond, and taken by a passion, you are dedicated and consecrated and given over. Transported into other realms. Ecstatic. A frenzy of conviction that nothing matters except the Ultimate. Swept away. Released into the Cosmos. Liberated from the wheel. And expressing the inexpressible with consummate conviction.

Much love,
Katie x

Art by Harley and J 🌞🌻