Full Moon in Scorpio
The Scorpio Full Moon rises from the underworld just days after the meeting of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This conjunction reopened karmic woundings that span across the vastness of lifetime upon lifetime, and sent shockwaves that penetrated right to the core of your being. The wheel of fortune is turning, with a fate wobble to the Nodes recalibrating the bridge between your 5D and 3D selves, which is reactivating the eclipse points from late January, with another layer unfolding of your divinity, sovereignty and true, cosmic nature.
This moon is deep soul medicine. You are faced with your pain, trauma, the stories of your ancestors and your karmic imprinting, and if you tune into this energy with your heart over your head, you’ll receive the elixir to soothe your soul. This is a karmic purge on a collective scale we haven’t seen for many months. Allow yourself the time to transmute this energy from its source with graceful non-attachment.
The void is nothing to fear. It where is all magicks and synchronicities are birthed in ecstatic union. Exploring this space is an integral part of your awakening and the merging of your oversoul embodiment. When shit gets real, love it forward. Love transforms ALL, it’s the true magick and power of healing.
Drop expectations - that’s what breaks your heart. You may feel an overwhelming need to call people out on your perceptions of their behaviour, but this energy isn’t conducive to you words being met with openness. There is a smouldering rage in the air at this time that is best met by facing your own mirror and cleansing yourself inside out. It’s not your responsibility to fix people or do their emotional work for them.
Let yourself be carried down into your deepest, most intimate places within, without judgement.. to release the ties that bind you as you’re reborn in the flames of your own holy heart 🔥❤️
Affirm: I surrender this situation to the universal power of LOVE.
Much love,
Katie xx
Do you need assistance navigating these cosmic energies? Email or DM me to see how I can be of service to you 💌 katieemmahealing@gmail.com
Art by @harleyandj