Cosmic Shifts - April
Once a month, I collaborate with the beautiful Shamama Hunting Owl, to bring you astrology guidance in alignment with messages she channels for her incredible tribe of awakening souls on her Youtube channel. Here is this months video, along with the transcription of my astrology insights.
These alignments are for April 1-15.
April begins with a powerful conjunction between Pluto and the South Node. This is an intense karmic clearing of ancestral lines and for some lightworkers and starseeds, clearing and holding space for the collective as they too transition through this plutonic cycle. This aspect heralds an immense shift on a truly cosmic scale, and what is unraveling now will culminate in January 2020 with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, for these weeks are an imperative part of the greater story unfolding in the collective astrology and global awakening taking place over the coming years. What is shrouded in darkness is being brought to light. You may feel in the very depths of despair, hopelessness and heartache now, but these emotions are pushing through the cracks of your walls to break them down, and push your forth onto your higher path, and away from the mirage and illusions that have been attempting to distract you.
Mercury turned direct on the 28th of March, but he will be conjunct Neptune during the first week of April, meaning this foggy, confused and detached energy is still hovering around - yet it is also a deeply profound time for soul retrieval, astral travel and working with your Akashic records. There is nothing to do or be, as this cosmic current is guiding you to safety, so flow with it. It’s probably unfolding nothing liked you’d expected, but with so much Pisces energy in the skies...the divine absolutely has a plan that is beyond your scope of perception and logic. You just need to trust in your ability to look past any illusions with ease, for this kind of astrology can bring many into your field. So much magic is held within this aspect if we find a way to flow with the frequency instead of swimming against the current.
The New Moon in Aries on April 5 is a welcome burst of energy to ignite a fire from deep within you. This moon is helping you to pick up the pieces after the profound Pluto/South Node conjunction ripped apart something in your world, helping you move forward from this for good. You can find the courage needed to walk away from unhealthy dynamics and patterns now, but the first step must come from you. You are so cosmically supported in this process. This is the perfect time to initiate something in the realms of your natal Aries house, with the blossoming of this courageous shift coming at the Aries full moon later in the year.
The current astrology configuration has never before been seen in our lifetime, in fact not for hundreds of years, with Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune all in their home signs. We are living in strange and beautiful times, beloveds. And the only way out, is in. Walk through the fires of Aries season with confidence, and complete faith in the bigger celestial story you star in. For your presence, purpose and heart is so dearly needed at the crux of the rebirth and ascension of Gaia, and humanity.
Katie x
Gateway of Fire: The Aries New Moon