New Moon in Aries



The Aries New Moon is a welcome burst of energy to ignite a fire from deep within you - your true Soul expression. Occurring at 15 degrees, it is the midpoint between the two full moons, at 0 and 29 degrees of its sister sign, Libra. The moon is also forming a square to Saturn, which is assisting you in actualising this true soul expression into your physical word. It is also square the Pluto and South Node conjunction aspect we are experiencing at this time, which has been an intense karmic clearing of ancestral lineages. With this energy, you can break down any barrier in your way if you believe you can. So stop doubting yourself.

This lunar Aries energy ushers in a whole new, high vibe and energetic cycle that is calling upon you to explore and fully immerse yourself in this new beginning with passion, ardour, excitement and enthusiasm. It brings a return of your courage and confidence, and poses to you the question ‘who am I’. Who am I beyond stereotypes, culture, family, beliefs and conditions. Who am I in my most simple, yet profound essence?

We lose confidence in ourselves when we compare our journeys to others, and that is something being very much highlighted by the astrological transits of this cycle. With so much external noise - and internal, fear-based chatter, it becomes impossible to hear and recognise the guidance we are seeking and yearning for. We get lost in distractions. We feel “less than”. We lose control of our life by living an inauthentic existence, by masking our true, divine selves. Where are you comprising your standards? Your hearts desires?

This moon falls at the midpoint between two very significant full moons for relationships, connection and intimacy. Don’t be tempted to break down other people's walls to get to where you want to be - Aries can sometimes rush blindly and try to force things to happen before their time. This is especially important to be mindful of when dealing with intimate partners - don't push or coerce others to give you what you think you need right now - instead, relax, open your heart and trust that those who are truly walking hand in hand with you will meet you when they, and you, are ready.

So embrace yourself, beloveds. It’s not about perfection, it’s about authenticity. And know that the right people will recognise and love all of these aspects of you. It is the right time to take a leap of faith and trust where your Soul is guiding you, it knows the way beyond what the mind can see.

Much love,
Katie x

Art by Harley and J 🌞🌻