New Moon in Sagittarius



Sagittarius is the archetype of the philosopher, the curious and enthusiastic student of life... an optimist on a quest to explore and encounter all that life has to offer to the eternal seeker, and this new moon is leading you into unchartered territory - we are all walking this path together, and all we have to follow is our unwavering faith and our deepest heart-knowing. Logic alone is no longer a dependable resource in the new earth frequency 🏹🌈

You can no longer get away with half-baked dreams and unfulfilling relationships just to pass the time. Distractions and time-wasting from your path are now done. What is your mission as a sovereign being? The past seven year cycle has taught us that there is always something better than the fear or mediocracy we choose. And you deserve so much more, beloved.

We are anchoring deeper into the new paradigm as 2018 comes to a close - there is no set path, no set outcome and no set rules when you disconnect from the collective hysteria and plug into your own sacred Source. Fine-tune your frequency to the cosmic codes broadcasting from Uranus square the nodes of fate, with Uranus, the Great Awakener, being the final planet in retrograde once Chiron moves direct over the weekend.

No one has ever found their truth by choosing fear over love, so choose wisely sweet soul. Your heart knows, oh how your heart knows ❀️

With the new moon occurring just hours after mercury stationed direct - now in Scorpio - we are feeling free to plant the seeds for our boldest dreams yet - it’s soul embodiment, aligning with the realms of your highest and most sacred purpose. The way forward has been reset - trust the navigation of your Soul.

Much love,
Katie x