2018 - A Reflection 🌙



A year of living in the liminal space and learning the art of patience. It was a year to trust in being held safely within the void, in those quiet internal spaces, seeking the beauty and magic dwelling in the seemingly ‘nothing’ moments, of which there many in a year full of retrograde motion.

Emotionally, it’s been the most difficult year I’ve experienced in many, many years. The highs and lows have been wilder than my life before I got sober. Nothing makes you feel like you’re losing it

like a ‘dark night of the soul’, and even more so when it’s not your first descent into the underworld of the awakening journey. A constant spiral of clearing, purging, release, healing, integration, recalibration, growth and embodiment... as the cycle begins again...and again.

I’ve cried more tears than I ever thought possible; even for this soft, fragile Pisces Rising/Venus/North Node gal.

I learned that being vulnerable is EVERYTHING. A huge moment for an Aquarian, and still very much a work in progress.. but the shift to vulnerability and keeping my heart open has begun.

Moving overseas alone is fucking hard. Nothing can truly prepare you for it. I’ve learned to love change, and movement is restorative for me, but starting over from scratch on the other side of the world - knowing less than a handful of people, and not speaking the language - has been tougher than I expected. Not having my incredible support network at arms reach broke me. Arriving in Lisbon was the first time I knew I was running towards something, not away from it. I let go of all of the physical and emotional baggage I’ve been carrying for aeons to allow space for this total life reset. The path is still being revealed, but I have inherent trust in the soul whispers that guided me to this place, and I know clarity is on the horizon. And already I have met some of those most incredible people in Portugal, soul família for life ️❤️

Even in the eeriest moments of penetrating silence... I’ve still heard a faint heartbeat. A constant, primal rhythm drawing me deeper into the void... and in this reflective space, the stark realisation that this bond can never be broken. Forever two halves of the same whole.

Ending the year in Glastonbury has been hugely cathartic, I have such a strong connection to the land here, and a remembrance of ancestors long forgotten - the priestesses of Avalon. I was lucky enough to spend both the summer and winter solstice on top of the Tor and at Chalice Wells, and they are moments I will uphold with reverence forever.

In 2019, I dance with the divine and surrender further to the natural rhythm and flow of my destiny. I am letting the feminine lead the way.

Katie x
