Cosmic Shifts - Welcome to March

Once a month, I collaborate with the beautiful Shamama Hunting Owl, to bring you astrology guidance in alignment with messages she channels for her incredible tribe of awakening souls on her Youtube channel. Here is this months video, always with the transcription of my astrology insights.

Beloveds, March 6th is one of the most pivotal days of 2019 for twinflames, starseeds and Lightworkers. Within a 24 hour period we have: 

• Mercury retrograde at 29 deg Pisces
• The New moon at 15 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune  

• Uranus at 0 deg Taurus 

March has been a time period on our radar for many months, with numerous intuitives receiving the same messages and downloads, talking about an event or collective shifts taking place, and these 3 astrological alignments are indeed ushering in a grand celestial event, unfolding within you. The new earth paradigm is here and it manifests first through your open, soft and receptive heart, with the true emergence of your new path transpiring at the spring equinox. 

Mercury begins its retrograde cycle at 29 degrees Pisces, the final and most karmic degree of the entire zodiac. Mercury spends an unusually long period of time in Pisces - 60 days in total - which is bringing a prolonged period of mental fogginess and confusion, but also incredible psychic insight and intuition. It’s the kind of transit that will have you questioning the separation between your dreamstate and waking life, and there isn’t really any separation between the two once this cycle starts. Mercury retrograde also begins at the degree where Chiron just moved away from, so this retrograde will stir up energies around what you have been healing in your Pisces house since 2011, finally closing this chapter for good by the end of the retrograde. 

Planets in retrograde offer a time for us to recalibrate and reset our course, to retreat and review our present state whilst detached from external chaos and distraction. With the planet in focus being Mercury, this is very much centred around communication, revealing truths and soul expression. You may feel as if you are shrouded in mist, but so much is being brought to light through this deep dive into your pure consciousness. To resist the course this transit takes you on will feel like drowning, so the best thing to do is to drop into your heart and flow with the tides of this watery, neptunian space. 

The new moon in Pisces is conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. This reactivates the recent Mercury/Neptune conjunction at this degree around the Virgo full moon, indicating we are still working through a lot of emotional triggers that were brought up in February, all in preparation for the ingress of Uranus into Taurus just hours later. This is a deeply spiritual moon, full of potency and divine magic, a direct connection to God.. the Universe. You are being touched by the hand of the divine.  

Shortly after, Uranus transits into Taurus for the first time in 84 years. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, so with both planets in flux, their energies are heightened. Uranus rules ascension and awakening - and is downloading transmissions and new, cosmic templates on a collective scale - if you’re not awake, you will soon be. Ascension is the activation of your etheric bodies to your divine heart, and anchoring that through your physical vessel and chakra system across the rainbow bridge of your heart into Mother Gaia. However, true ascension is descension.  We know that the true magic of awakening comes from being present to experience the myriad of miracles available to us when we are in alignment with cosmic truths, and our higher self. You are the sacred vessel that bridges vast worlds and realities into the new earth paradigm, which is the essence of Uranus in Taurus - the anchoring of heaven on earth. Piece by piece, this will unfold over the coming 8 years. 

From Wednesday, nothing will be the same. But within this new world you will see you that you are, and always have been enough. Nothing is missing, it lives within you. 

All my love,

Katie xx