Aries Full Moon - Inner Authority

The Full Moon occurs at 20 degrees Aries, and is making some potent aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto. This moon seeks expansion and self expression, and the courage to give to yourself first, no matter what external noise you are being drawn into, or what inner, fear-based dialogue you may have been battling with this year. You bring so much more to this world when your heart is full.

With this lunar polarity falling across the self (Aries) vs other (Libra) axis, clarity is being illuminated through the reflection of The Other during this transit. Use your relationships are a mirror of self-reflection. Jupiter expands whatever he touches, so with this beautiful trine forming to the Moon, there is great potential for you breakthrough to the other side of something you have felt held back from or confused about for some time now. The illumination received under this moon, and the emotions tied into this situation pave the way for a new beginning, blessed by Jupiter. But first, you must face the Hades Moon initiation.

This full moon is forming an exact square to Pluto at 20 degrees Capricorn, known as the Hades moon - a descent into the underworld of ones own inner shadows. As both a Sun and Moon square Pluto native myself, this dynamic is both empowering and exhausting. A constant fear of being ‘exposed’ or ‘seen’, yet desiring nothing more than to break free of the authoritative shackles one feels bound to through relationships with parental figures or other masculine influences, devouring feminine archetypes, bosses, religion, the patriarchy, capitalism... and to become one’s own inner authority, without carrying the shame and guilt so often projected onto them through early-life parental figures. So this lunar cycle will be activating your need and desire to find your own inner authority - not one seeded in the vision of others’ beliefs of what is best for you, but in taking charge of your own life and reclaiming your power from any outside influence that you have willingly (or unwilling) given your power over to. This is done through exploring one’s own shadow realm, to feel the fear and do it anyway. It is time to come out of hiding, in whatever way you know you have been playing small and keeping quiet.

For greater clarity and understanding, the house of Aries, Libra and Capricorn in your own natal chart will illuminate where you are feeling this tug-o-war of power and the reclamation of Self.

The Chandra symbol for the Aries moon is:
An empty courtyard.
Nothing is left. Reality is scattered. Self-obliterated. The familiar rendered irrelevant. Apocalyptic changes, personal and collective, take over. No being, only action. You become a projectile of intent, literally identify with what you can do now. A barren wasteland of an inner world. A thrust outside. Stark and surreal. You feel compelled to dare, pushed over the edge, no going back--destiny as frenzy. And in this wild, volatile mix, creative forces are released that would never come out any other way. Yielding to the role of the purging and cleansing agent of changes, you are unable to wriggle out of anything ever again.

Much love,
Katie xx

Art by Harley and J 🌞🌻