Scorpio New Moon - The Souls Evolution


“Act passionately, think rationally, be Thyself” - Aleister Crowley, Book 4

The new moon in Scorpio is exactly opposed Uranus in Taurus, both at 4 degrees, and along with the Sun, are aligning with the powerful 444 frequency. Synonymous with spiritual awakening, this number sequence activates sudden life experiences and circumstances which push you forth on an accelerated path of embodiment and enlightenment. Esoterically, the 4th Ray is the nature of ‘harmony through conflict’, and is seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. What we seek can be grasped once we move through the chaos and conflict stirred by the process of sudden changes and shocking events that push us to grow beyond any limited and conditioned beliefs of ourselves. This astrology is pushing boundaries. Uranus’ own transit through Taurus until 2026 holds the exact same key within our own consciousness during this time as the 4th Ray initiation, and the house in your natal chart where Uranus is transiting through Taurus is where you are “coming online”.

What is also fascinating about this new moon is that when looking deeper through an esoteric lense, we see that the planetary keeper of the 4th Ray is Mercury, who is beginning his retrograde cycle on the heels of this moon on the 31st October, highlighting just how momentous this mercury rx in Scorpio is in preparing you for the epochal Saturn/Pluto conjunction and upcoming eclipse season. Communication and relationship revelations continue to unveil themselves whilst we traverse the season of the witch and the thinning of the veils.

With Mars and Pluto (both the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio) preparing to square each other next week, and with Mars and Saturn forming this same square aspect today, this is a time to confront and face challenges, inner demons and to be open to the changes revealing themselves. You may have to dig deep into your psyche to move beyond these patterns and programming to reach the intimacy you desire. Beautiful and long-lasting foundations built on truth and integrity are being formed in this cosmic climate.

Intuition is everything with this lunar cycle. The more you trust what you feel, and take action when you know deep in your soul it is time, the more easily you will flow with the sudden turn of events this moon/Uranus opposition can and will present. When your soul is aligned with the divine, greater realms of grace, beauty and harmony can be anchored and received through your vessel - beyond the conflict - forming the bridge between heaven and earth, the very essence of the 4th ray and it’s initiation for the seeker.

So, what are you ready to wake up to?

The Chandra symbol for the New Moon is:
A loud roar as a tornado approaches.
The storms of the world come right through where and when they are needed. They must wipe out ordinary consciousness and bring into play every kind of released spirit and force. When we live in the thick of storms and with always another threatened or impending, we are impelled into depth emotions, tumultuously drawn to activate the undersoul, personally and collectively. You sense the violent urgency, for everybody round about, of whatever you are going through. And so you are plunged into storms to seek cleansing and release, to bring up what is under there and let it play itself out freely. You do this with temptations toward every obsessive or addictive state imaginable and with a tremendous guiding force leading you through any and every extreme, to make all of existence come alive from deep inside--elementally, primally, and regeneratively

The Chandra symbol for Uranus is:
A man talking in his sleep.
A psychic faculty is dreamt into and sustained, leaving everything wide open for passive absorption. Going so deep in there, an altered state, that you become karmically thrown into the dilemma of translation between the worlds. Being used by astral forces, and learning to adapt. Indwelling a place reserved for those who are not ready to activate. But, oh, the dreams, the vapors. Remembrance. Recapitulation. Return. Longing for connection between the worlds, you may be able to take the underworld route through if disciplined attunement is fostered. Creative powers are dammed up and filtered through into naive wistfulness. You wait, hope, and are drawn back and back until the inner worlds have been heard and respected and the balance can be restored

Much love,