Awakened Astrology Course - May 2020 Intake Now Open!

Awakened Astrology is a 12 week intensive online course that merges 5D astrology teachings with the evolution and unfoldment of your own divine destiny along the path of awakening. This course is quantum in nature, but the content is taught in a simple, practical manner, so you can apply and utilise this cosmic wisdom in your everyday life. ⁣

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Scorpio New Moon - The Souls Evolution

The new moon in Scorpio is exactly opposed Uranus in Taurus, both at 4 degrees, and along with the Sun, are aligning with the powerful 444 frequency. Synonymous with spiritual awakening, this number sequence activates sudden life experiences and circumstances which push you forth on an accelerated path of embodiment and enlightenment. Esoterically, the 4th Ray is the nature of ‘harmony through conflict’, and is seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. What we seek can be grasped once we move through the chaos and conflict stirred by the process of sudden changes and shocking events that push us to grow beyond any limited and conditioned beliefs of ourselves. This astrology is pushing boundaries.

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Aries Full Moon - Inner Authority

The Full Moon occurs at 20 degrees Aries, and is making some potent aspects to both Jupiter and Pluto. This moon seeks expansion and self expression, and the courage to give to yourself first, no matter what external noise you are being drawn into, or what inner, fear-based dialogue you may have been battling with this year. You bring so much more to this world when your heart is full.

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