Hot Tips for Reading Charts

Hey astro-lover! If you’re diving into the world of astrology, welcome to an immensely rewarding and empowering journey! A natal chart isn’t just a cosmic blueprint - it’s a living, breathing story of your potential, growth, and evolution. But let’s be real: learning to read charts can feel pretty overwhelming at first, especially with where in the chart to begin. That’s why I’ve rounded up 8 supportive and practical tips to help you navigate the cosmos with confidence and clarity. These are the kind of tips that will take your readings from “meh” to magical, helping you connect the dots in a way that leave your clients feeling seen, empowered, and totally in awe of their own story. Let’s dive in!

  1. Look for the chart ruler first (planet/s ruling your ascendant sign) for insight into the overall theme of the chart and individual expression/development

  2. Next locate the Ascendant (first impressions), Sun (identity) & Moon (emotions) by sign + houses: what story are they telling together?

  3. Are there any planets conjunct the angles? These planets will be more pronounced in your chart and will have a profound impact on your relationships and sense of self as well as your work life and home.

  4. Take note of the planetary rulers of your North and South Node signs, and the house they are placed in - this give deeper insight to your souls journey and its evolutionary path

  5. Learn your houses! This is what personalises your expression of the planetary archetypes, and knowing the signs on the cusp is a gateway to understanding how a planet shows up in that life area

  6. Take note of your major aspects - the conjunctions, squares, oppositions, trines and sextiles. These are how the planets communicate with each other. Is there ease and flow, or tension and challenge between these planets?

  7. Once you know how to interpret aspects, you can move onto transits! Knowing how the current planets affect the chart will help put astrology into perspective through real-time events and experiences

  8. Don't make assumptions! Astrology texts can give a framework and foundation for interpretation, but no two clients are alike, even if they share placements. A good astrologer will know how to translate the chart in alignment with the individuals own lived experience, and will not generalise, assume or mislabel. A good astrologer is a cosmic counsellor, not a fortune teller. A good astrologer will leave you feeling empowered, understood and seen in your humanness and your spirit. A good astrologer will support you in your own self-development and evolution.

Reading a natal chart is a mix of skill and intuition - and when done right, it can be truly transformative. By starting with the chart ruler and layering in key placements, aspects, and transits, you’re building a story that’s as unique as the person sitting in front of you. But here’s the magic: astrology isn’t about fitting people into boxes or predicting the future for them - it’s about guiding them back to their own power, potential, and purpose. With these 8 tips, you’ll hopefully feel more confident in your readings and will leave your clients feeling inspired, validated, and ready to embrace their own evolution.

Awakened Astrology Course - May 2020 Intake Now Open!

Awakened Astrology is a 12 week intensive online course that merges 5D astrology teachings with the evolution and unfoldment of your own divine destiny along the path of awakening. This course is quantum in nature, but the content is taught in a simple, practical manner, so you can apply and utilise this cosmic wisdom in your everyday life. ⁣

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Scorpio New Moon - The Souls Evolution

The new moon in Scorpio is exactly opposed Uranus in Taurus, both at 4 degrees, and along with the Sun, are aligning with the powerful 444 frequency. Synonymous with spiritual awakening, this number sequence activates sudden life experiences and circumstances which push you forth on an accelerated path of embodiment and enlightenment. Esoterically, the 4th Ray is the nature of ‘harmony through conflict’, and is seen as a bridge between heaven and earth. What we seek can be grasped once we move through the chaos and conflict stirred by the process of sudden changes and shocking events that push us to grow beyond any limited and conditioned beliefs of ourselves. This astrology is pushing boundaries.

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Aries Full Moon - Inner Authority

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