Scorpio Season Unveiling


Baby Katie in early 2015. Twenty-seven.This photo was taken during my first week living in Bali. Completely heartbroken, shattered and fragile... in the midst of running away from myself, my problems and nagging self-doubt and apathy, instead of facing myself with compassion and love. And boy did Bali teach me, in no uncertain terms, how to face my shit! There’s no greater place to be present for an immersion in your own darkness, as well to illuminate so much inherent light and divine magic within I was also in the midst of some of the deepest layers of healing and unraveling of ancestral trauma I’ve experienced. Bali brought up everything from my depths to be exposed, whether I was ready or not. The true essence of awakening.

This is the Katie who did the ground work and emotional labour for the lightness of being and freedom from suffering that I now know exists beyond the confines of my own limitations. Of course I still suffer, and experience heartbreak, and I’m riddled with anxieties, insecurities and of all kinds of complexities that most of you wouldn’t believe I think about myself if you heard my internal thoughts - I mean, I’m human (mostly ♒️). Those who know me well are aware of my Larry David-esque neurosis and “quirks” haha.

But what’s changed is that I no longer choose to drown and lose myself in these fears and programming. I spent countless nights in solitude in Bali... awake until all hours in my garden with my face buried in books, or my eyes staring at the stars learning about the cosmos and all the ancient secrets I’d forgotten I know, remembering who I really am - outside of cultural and family conditioning - and what I came here to embody and share with the collective. And still now, I spend countless nights in solitude studying my soul, the stars, collective shifts and the wisdom of the ages.

I offer myself on the altar of the divine - Portugal, November 2018

I offer myself on the altar of the divine - Portugal, November 2018

Moving to Portugal is the first time in my life I wasn’t running away from something, but instead, I was running towards it Facing myself in the mirror. Committed to being more vulnerable, no matter what confusion, triggers or silence I may face. And that acceptance changed everything. Choosing to keep my heart open and full of love even when I felt defeated. I still don’t have all the answers or the clarity I’d “expected”, and perhaps I never will... but my heart is so full. There’s no other way to live than with hope and faith in my heart, and a genuine excitement and curiosity for all that remains unknown as I surrender into the dance of divine timing.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J




Full moons illuminate what we have been nurturing and cultivating in alignment with the corresponding new moon 6 months prior, where those seeds of possibility were planted into the starry cosmos ✨

Looking back to the December 2017 new moon in Sagittarius, how have you blossomed, grown and awakened further into your hearts truth and soul mission? Most likely your experience has differed to your initial expectations, yet have they not been equally, if not more beautiful, as you’ve explored the twists and turns the 3D mind could not foresee? This frequency shifts too fast for us to try and predict what our future holds. The more we let go of clinging to certain outcomes and instead drop into our hearts, the higher we shall soar.

This full moon highlights how we can no longer settle for half truths and unfulfilling connections. The pieces of the puzzle have come together, and where there has been any doubt, the Sagittarius arrows of truth are shooting right into the heart of the matter, in an explosion of infinite bliss and awe as you spiral deeper into your true magnificence.

With this moon aspecting Chiron and the North Node, we are being transmuted in the holy flames of Shekinah, burning away and releasing all karmic ties that are holding us back from merging our inner feminine and masculine flames, as one, united, sovereign being. Soul aspects lost from long ago are continuing to return home to our inner heart temple, an integration process we began many moons ago is now coming to culmination as May comes to a close, in preparation for the next cycle unfolding in later half of this year.

Commit to living a heart-centred and passionate existence. Commit to your dreams, trusting in your divine abilities of manifestation and magick as you take intuitive action now. Commit to being you in all your grace and radiance beloveds. Don’t lose sight of the end goal. So much is coming to fruition over the eclipse season in July/August, and you are so, so close. Don’t give up now 🔥🔥🔥

Much love,
Katie xx

Do you need assistance navigating these cosmic energies? Email or DM me to see how I can be of service to you 💌

🌻 Art by @harleyandj

New Moon in Taurus

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J




Welcome to the vortex. The great merge of your Higher Self and your conscious awareness. May’s New Moon in Taurus triggers a series of cosmic events this week that are here to shake you up, break you down and rebuild you as your most authentic, embodied Self.


With so much planetary energy in Earth signs at this time (Moon, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus / Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn), we are being brought down into our physical body, feeling our most sacred spiritual experiences blossoming. Honour the body. Uranus is channeling galactic transmissions and downloads on a collective scale, and if you’re not awake - you soon will be. Ascension is the activation of your etheric bodies to your divine heart, and anchoring that through your physical vessel and chakra system across the rainbow bridge of your heart into Mother Gaia. True ascension is descension. “Ascending with two feet on the ground” - Jeff Brown.


Being ‘woke’ isn’t enough. This energy doesn’t care what facade you project or the validation you seek externally - if your heart isn’t kind, you ain’t shit. And if you don’t trust implicitly in your own heart, you don’t know shit. Uranus in Taurus says step up or step off. The time for mediocracy or living between worlds is done. You are being asked to decide now... are you in, or are you out? Taurus commits to only the best, and will not settle for anything less than what embodies their most sacred values. What do you value? What, and who, do you love? What legacy are you leaving, imprinted with your unique soul signature?.


This moon cycle activates your heart with a new cosmic frequency. You are being upgraded, and if you’ve been doing the work, welcome to living in your authentic, divine alignment! And if you haven’t - and you’ve been avoiding or denying your truth or the truth of others - then chaos is going to reign, and you’d best buckle up!


Go deep, deep within this week beloveds. Embrace the silence. Tune into the celestial, uranian downloads you are receiving and block out the noise from those trying to keep you distracted and asleep. There is so much beauty and insight to be found within the chaos, and the less you cling onto how you think things should unfold, the easier this shift will be on you. This is not an intellectual process, but a profoundly spiritual, grounding experience as masculine and feminine merge as one within 💞


Fall in love with yourself. You are pure, infinite magick 🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♂️

Much love,
Katie xx

Do you need assistance navigating these cosmic energies? Email or DM me to see how I can be of service to you 💌

Art by @harleyandj

Full Moon in Scorpio

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The Scorpio Full Moon rises from the underworld just days after the meeting of Mars and Pluto in Capricorn. This conjunction reopened karmic woundings that span across the vastness of lifetime upon lifetime, and sent shockwaves that penetrated right to the core of your being. The wheel of fortune is turning, with a fate wobble to the Nodes recalibrating the bridge between your 5D and 3D selves, which is reactivating the eclipse points from late January, with another layer unfolding of your divinity, sovereignty and true, cosmic nature.

This moon is deep soul medicine. You are faced with your pain, trauma, the stories of your ancestors and your karmic imprinting, and if you tune into this energy with your heart over your head, you’ll receive the elixir to soothe your soul. This is a karmic purge on a collective scale we haven’t seen for many months. Allow yourself the time to transmute this energy from its source with graceful non-attachment.

The void is nothing to fear. It where is all magicks and synchronicities are birthed in ecstatic union. Exploring this space is an integral part of your awakening and the merging of your oversoul embodiment. When shit gets real, love it forward. Love transforms ALL, it’s the true magick and power of healing.

Drop expectations - that’s what breaks your heart. You may feel an overwhelming need to call people out on your perceptions of their behaviour, but this energy isn’t conducive to you words being met with openness. There is a smouldering rage in the air at this time that is best met by facing your own mirror and cleansing yourself inside out. It’s not your responsibility to fix people or do their emotional work for them.

Let yourself be carried down into your deepest, most intimate places within, without judgement.. to release the ties that bind you as you’re reborn in the flames of your own holy heart 🔥❤️

Affirm: I surrender this situation to the universal power of LOVE.

Much love,
Katie xx

Do you need assistance navigating these cosmic energies? Email or DM me to see how I can be of service to you 💌

Art by @harleyandj

New Moon in Aries

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The Aries New Moon is the first moon of the new seasonal year which began with the Sun moving into Aries on March 20th. This lunar Aries energy ushers in a whole new, high vibe and energetic cycle that is calling upon you to explore and fully immerse yourself in this new beginning with passion, ardour, excitement and enthusiasm. Aries embodies a pioneering spirit, and the time is ripe to move forward into uncharted territories of your life. With Mercury also in Aries moving out of retrograde on the same day, it is now time to take leap of faith and trust that you're moving forward in embodiment of your soul mission that will fully support you.


This new moon is conjunct Uranus, the great Awakener. Collectively this energy is bringing intense downloads, messages, dreams and sudden insights giving us clarity and deep knowing where we have previously felt blind. Walls are crumbling to make space for what are we are truly aligned with to flow in with grace and ease. This is a time to move forward in any part of your life you have felt stuck or blocked, particularly around communication with mercury retrograde in Aries.


Where is your heart calling you to grow and expand? New soul family connections and distant lands have been whispering to your Soul, and this new moon cycle sets this phase of your path into creation and manifestation.
However, don't be tempted to break down other people's walls to get to where you want to be - Aries can sometimes rush blindly and try to force things to happen before their time. This is especially important to be mindful of when dealing with intimate partners - don't push or coerce others to give you what you think you need right now - instead, relax, open your heart and trust that those who are truly walking hand in hand with you will meet you when they are ready.


Remember, we each have our own inner calling to follow, even when in divine partnership, and sometimes these callings may not always align with each other in a 3D timeline, and definitely not when linear expectations are place on them.. so have patience my loves, as the spiral path always leads us within to Union. Your intuitive vibes are spot on, so don't hurry what is blossoming naturally along its own mystical pathway. Chiron is moving into Aries on the 17th (after 8 years in Pisces and working on healing the divine feminine wounds), which is ushering in deep healing, awakening and transformation of the divine masculine energies and wounds now. The polarity shift we’ve been feeling is coming into balance under this transit, which the new moon is activating.


Whatever it is you desire to initiate now, you absolutely have the drive, passion and will to succeed, beloved. Go forth, you are ready❤️

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by @harleyandj

New Moon in Pisces

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



This is an incredibly potent and powerful new moon this month, with Chiron and Jupiter amplifying the magic and the mysteries of your soul as they reveal themselves to you in the darkness before the new moon occurs.

This is a deeply healing and transformative new moon, as we prepare to cross over the Aries 0 point (equinox) and astrological new year on the 21st March, with many endings and beginnings merging with us at this time. This is a release of pre-conditioned ways of being, seeing and feeling in the physical. It is a release of the karmic ties that have bound our souls in countless lifetimes and situations of suffering, fear and illusion. It is a freeing from the distortions which for so long have clouded our perceptions of our reality, our own story and the power of our divine and inherent Higher Self and Oversoul. This is a fast-tracked untangling of ancient patterns and limiting beliefs systems.

Many of you may be experiencing ascension flu-like symptoms, due to an accelerated clearing of old timelines and templates. Rest, be in solitude and allow this process to occur without judgement. Your body is being called to hold a vast amount of cosmic light and solar encodings, and it takes time for our body to catch up with this process between the 5D and 3D selves. Be gentle on yourself during this healing.

Miracles can and will occur ✨✨✨ Life changing moments are unfolding as you set the course for the next phase of your life, where you now have the return of your power to create magic and manifest for the good of all. What empowers you, empowers all. What brings peace to you, brings peace to all.

Pisces is compassionate. Pisces is unconditional, pure love. The expression of this energy is universal and encompasses all of humanity. The shadow can be escapism and delusions, of not wanting to face reality - so know that is far easier to face your fears head on now, and feel into your wounds that are being triggered by this moon and Chiron conjunction, rather than turn a blind eye and ignore them. Incredible healing is taking place for us all now when we trust in ourselves, Source, and the greater plan unfolding 🦋

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

Full Moon in Virgo

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The full moon in Virgo embodies a deep soul purification awash the 5 planetary bodies we currently have in Pisces that are opposing this moon. It’s a time to release habits and patterns that are not serving you, or are blocking you from feeling fulfilled in life and aligned with your greater mission. Ask yourself, what is my mission?

It can be tempting under this energy to look too deeply into others behaviours and go too far down the rabbit hole of overthinking, anxiety and being overly critical of ourselves and others, thus blocking us from the gifts of this emotional release. Detach from drama, switch off, move your body and get out of your mind. The more you cling to pain and confusion from overwhelming, unprocessed emotions, the more intensely you will feel swallowed up in the midst of this Pisces party in the sky ✨🐠✨

There is so much love and joy to be experienced when you drop into your heart beloved. The emotional process to align with this space can be confronting and challenging, but no master has never not faced adversity. The illumination of the full moon is allowing you to see beyond any internal battle you face, and is assisting you as you grow, expand and make peace with your shadow.

🌿 what joy can be found in this moment despite your anxieties?
🌿 how is this situation actually helping you to grow deeper into self, acceptance and mission?
🌿 how can you be of service to others?

We each have our own path to walk, and this Virgo full moon is gifting you with the clarity and dedication to ground your mission and embody it with an open, soft heart 💕 Don’t be afraid of doing the work necessary to move where you feel called, but don’t forget that you have an immense spirit team guiding you beyond what your mind can see. Call upon your higher wisdom to lead the way.

You are being called to something beyond your daily existence, and this time between this full moon and the new moon in Pisces in 2 weeks will whisper these secrets to your heart from your soul. Let go a little, and let yourself grow 💚

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

New Moon in Aquarius

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



With the solar eclipse occurring in around 12 hours, this energy is closing a 2 week portal we have been traversing as we continue to anchor through our being many cosmic downloads and solar/lunar encodings, forming the rainbow bridge between our 3D and 5D consciousness 🌈🌈🌈 This is the rebirth, and opens the next chapter of the greater story unfolding across the Leo/Aquarius axis, to be completed in August 2018 before the next nodal shift transitions.

Being a South Node eclipse, there is a strong element of release and clearing of past experiences to pave a new way forward. Much of the information to be found on the South Node tends to speak of karma and past lives negatively, but to me, I see it also holds great potential for magick, soul growth and expansion, because held within our past self is the blossoming of our most sacred and divine soul gifts, waiting to burst forth when you have the courage to face the path your North Node is calling you upon. Spend time during the lead up to this moment by looking within your natal South Node energy to bring forth these gifts you embody, ready to be sparked by the Uranian genius frequency of this Aquarian eclipse portal 🌀

We are all learning to love. None of us are perfect, and we’re all figuring out this cosmic dance along the way, that’s the beauty of the journey itself. We all crave the same deep love and acceptance as the next person, and there are many different paths to choose along this quest for Union. We want soul recognition. We desire to be truly seen in the eyes of our beloved, having firstly seen our own selves with these adoring eyes. Who do you feel aligned with? Are you ready to allow yourself be seen as the illustrious being that you are?

Listen to what your higher heart is saying to you as the sun is briefly consumed by the lunar light, the shadow self. You are seeing a moment into the void of what is being made manifest under this powerful, celestial alignment.
Think big, dream big, act big ✨✨✨

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

Full Moon in Leo

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



This eclipse energy brings through the next wave of cosmic encodings from the August eclipses last year. Think back to this time period - What were you feeling and experiencing on a deep level during this eclipse portal? What events were unfolding that have come full circle? How have the past 6 months shaped and moulded a deeper sense of growth and maturity within you?

Leo rules the heart, and we are experiencing higher heart upgrades as we clear karmic patterns and fill this space within through the mergence of our inner divine masculine and feminine selves. The eclipse portal between Jan 31 and Feb 15 is a gateway for these solar and lunar codes to step down from your 5D nature and ground and emobody within your 3D self. By bringing this energy down into this timeline instead of trying to escape and check out into the astral.. we can live our most authentic, cosmic nature with two feet firmly on the ground. This is true ascension.

Under these radiant lunar Leo vibes, the underlying theme is vulnerability and cracking the heart open, peeling back more layers of your soft, gentle heart of your love, and fill yourself with the fierce compassion nature of your own self love and illustrious Self.

On the last Lunar eclipse I wrote:
“Open up.. be vulnerable. Yes it’s scary to put your feelings on the line - but when we allow others to see our soft underbelly, our vulnerability, we create space in our relationship with others to merge on a heart-to-heart level, without fears and walls blocking us from the connection we feel, and so deeply desire”.
The resonance of these words is even stronger at this eclipse because you’ve had 6 months to work on opening yourself up and being more vulnerable, a day at a time.

With the rise of the Feminine heart under the Capricorn new moon 2 weeks ago, now it is time for the masculine polarity to shift and rise. New masculine templates are downloading to support us in taking guided action on our mission and the work we desire to bring to the world through our most divine, sacred and passionate gifts you hold within your heart. Share what you know, because you know 💜

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

New Moon in Capricorn

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



Welcome to the first New Moon of 2018!

With a 9 planet stellium currently transiting through Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Black Moon Lilith and Chariklo), this New Moon is brimming with ancient, powerful magick you can access through a ritual practice that resonates with you. Capricorn energy is embodied through the Wises Ones, the Hermit, and the Magician, so go within.. seek your inner counsel and wholeheartedly believe in your manifestation abilities and your power to create your reality.

What makes this Moon extra potent in her magick during this cycle? Almost every planet is currently in Earth and Water element signs, which embodies the divine feminine/yin energy. With so much feminine energy imbued within this lunar flow, pure magick happens! The Feminine uprising is here and she will not be silenced as she speaks her truth with love, always.

This is a powerful cosmic/earth portal link opening with a trajectory spanning beyond the usual 6 month lunar cycle. This New Moon has immense long term reach. Make the most of this stable, grounded earth magick energy to build foundations that support you not only this year, but for the bigger picture Capricorn cycle we are embarking upon between 2018-2020 with Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto transiting this sign during this period, with this New Moon as the activation point of this energy coming into full effect.

Get clear, seize the moment and pursue your hearts desire, and know that it will come to you because you are doing the inner work necessary to bring balance and channel divine wisdom from your heart. Your ancient Self is speaking to you now, trust the mystery and the magick of the whispers of your soul.

“Only the oneness of love and the lover is eternal. Surrender your heart into this union, for all else in this world is momentary” Rumi ❤️

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

Full Moon in Cancer

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The moon is at home in Cancer and she is illuminating how truly supported we are, especially when we trust our own judgement and back ourselves completely.

The strongest message I am receiving around this full moon is about Intimacy. Forging a deeper sense of intimacy by allowing ourselves to become more vulnerable, open and receptive with our loved ones. By releasing expectations we place on our loved ones. And by not being reluctant to bring down the walls around our hearts, built because of past hurt and emotional wounds. This armour is blocking the love we truly seek from being able to merge and align with us. Be soft, and surrender.

Cancer energy is strongly rooted in the past, with our ancestors and traditions, and our emotional nature and comforts so ensure that you are only bringing forth beliefs and behaviours that support a more harmonious and loving experience into your life, instead of projecting past patterns of relating onto new relationships. Not every man is like your past partner, nor is every woman. You deserve great love, and if you are yet to experience that, then believe the best is yet to come. Commit yourself to break the conditioning you hold around your perceptions of love, relationship and self worth, and let that shit go!

The Cancer moon is pure, nurturing and maternal energy. It is time to nurture yourself, to love yourself and to release any emotional blockages you may be harbouring after an intense 2017. Spend time with your kin, your tribe - whoever lifts you up and desires only the best for you.

Rewriting ancestral lineage patterns is possible now for those who are on this particular path of healing and awakening. A mass release of karmic contracts has been unfolding over the December period, and will continue into the early weeks of January, especially as the nodes of fate are being triggered into a square (friction) aspect with Jupiter in Scorpio. This energy is encouraging you to find your own unique voice within your network. It is okay to release those who do not align with you anymore. Jupiter in Scorpio is collectively guiding us to purge toxic people, situations and emotions which creates space for deep healing and transformation to occur. We are forming new bonds within our families and reconnecting with our true family, our Soul family.

The past is now behind us beloveds, release it as we embrace the new.

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

New Moon in Sagittarius

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The Sagittarius New Moon is conjunct the Galactic Centre, and calls for your commitment to your beliefs and what you stand for. Where in your life have you been settling? Or allowing a sense of complacency to rule your mind?

Sagittarius is all about expansion and new horizons, and this new moon is leading you into unchartered territory - we are all walking this path together, and all we have to follow is our unwavering faith and our deepest heart-knowing. Logic alone is not a dependable resource anymore in this frequency.

You can no longer get away with half-baked dreams and unfulfilling relationships just to pass the time. Distractions and time-wasting from your path are done. What is your mission as a sovereign being? The past five years have taught us that there is always something better than the fear or mediocracy we choose. And you deserve so much more, Moonchild 🌙

The abundance of Sagittarian energy present in the cosmos at this time (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn) is highlighted on the global stage through those who are choosing to speak up against injustice and seek to hold those who are responsible accountable for their actions and lack of integrity within their beliefs/ethics. The Saturn cycle from 24 Dec 2014 to 20 Dec 2017 has brought these issues to the surface to be healed and released, not to incite fear or dogmatism. Don't buy into the bullshit you've been fed.

We are anchoring deeper into the new paradigm as this year comes to a close - there is no set path, no set outcome and no set rules when you disconnect from the collective hysteria and plug into your own sacred Source. Fine-tune your frequency to the cosmic codes broadcasting from the conjunction between the Sun, Moon and Saturn with the Galactic Centre.

No one has ever found their truth by choosing fear over love, so choose wisely sweet soul. Your heart knows, oh how your heart knows ❤️ This new moon is planting the seeds for reunion, relocation and soul expansion into new realms of your highest and most sacred purpose ✨✨✨ The way forward has been reset - trust the navigation of your Soul.

Much love,
Katie xx

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with me? Please contact me via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

Full Moon in Gemini

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



This Full Moon can trigger patterns/wounds from early childhood and your formative years - making you think “wtf?! Haven’t I already cleared all this?” “Why am I still getting triggered around these wounds?”. Full moons are the release phase of the lunar cycle, so what’s rising now has an opportunity to be cleared, not clung onto and overanalysed or relived on a daily basis.

With the healing, ancestral and soul clearing work we do, the deeper the layers we are able to uncover, until we get right down into the core of the wound. This work can take years, and is a process that cannot be hurried or skipped. It can feel like an unending cycle at times, but know that these triggers only appear again to show you how much you’ve grown, and how you can now move through these triggers and continue to awaken with grace and ease.

This is true soul growth and expansion of Self - to be able to stand in the face of our wounds and love it forward 💜 This energy does not have to be hard, you just need to learn the steps to this Cosmic dance unfolding over December ✨💃🏼✨

With Mercury turning retrograde tomorrow, you are encouraged to step back and rest, review and regenerate. Switch off the mind chatter and sit with these triggers that come up for you as you feel them. We are being pulled within before being able to step into the high frequency doorways of 12/12 and 21/12, so go gently don’t take any communication issues personally at this time.

Much love,
Katie xx

To look deeper at this full moon and how it affects you, take a look at your Natal birthchart to see what house this energy is playing out within your soul blueprint. Go to

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

New Moon In Scorpio

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



A new sense of self is blossoming under the spells cast by today’s Scorpio New Moon. This psychic moon has been downloading glimpses of a new venture or direction that is calling your Soul from the deepest recesses of your Psyche and Shadow Self.

This is a moon phase between dreams and grounded reality... a potent blend of energy to create something from the very depth of your being. A purging is occurring, and the shadow self is recognised and honoured. Any fears or blocks to holding an open heart are transformed through ritual and love.

Surrender to your shadow and don’t run from your darkness. This moon is your rebirth into the next phase of awakening, stripped of all your distortions and limiting beliefs... and finding the ability to softly open your heart to receive this deep healing of your ancient soul wounds in yourself and through your ancestral lineage.

Scorpio traverses between the veils of the worlds, and gleans insight into what lies in the void and beyond. Through the potent portal activated on 11/11, we are able to alchemise this energy in the flames of our underworld, transforming so much more within us than what is visible to the naked eye. This shift is occurring behind the scenes.. but you are asked to trust in the process, and to love yourself through the triggers to rise from the ashes of what this Scorpio season is bringing to light for you

Much love,
Katie xx

To look deeper at this full moon and how it affects you, take a look at your Natal birthchart to see what house this energy is playing out within your soul blueprint. Go to

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

Full Moon in Taurus

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J



The full moon in Taurus arrives during the peak of Scorpio season. With the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and soon to be Venus joining this underworld territory within us, things are INTENSE 🦂🔥 The moon is opposing these planetary bodies in Scorpio, pushing us to grow and expand in our ability to transform and alchemise the magick that is around us.
Don't get swept up in the collective fear now. We must continue to focus on peace, harmony and joy despite the descent of chaos. Love will prevail. Many people are awakening to the realisation of the innate power held within them, and that we have more control over our lives than we are led to believe.
This Taurus moon is a beautiful blessing to our relationships. Love, compassion and kindness is what cultivates happiness and intimacy in partnerships, and growth together is always the destination. Surrender your need to know all the answers.. sink into your vulnerability. And instead surrender into the passionate, sensual cosmic heart calling you into sacred dance and union in this full moon light.
The vibe of this full moon is to go gently, gently, gently. Connect to your sensuality and be fully present in this moment. Hold gratitude for all the love in your life within your Heart Temple. Move with grace and know the ground ahead is stable enough for you to build your most heartfelt dreams upon.

I am another you inside of me 🖤

Much love,
Katie xx
To look deeper at this full moon and how it affects you, take a look at your Natal birthchart to see what house this energy is playing out within your soul blueprint. Go to

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email 💌

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj

New Moon in Libra

Artwork by Harley & J

Artwork by Harley & J

✨🌙✨ MOON VIBES ✨🌙✨


The New Moon in Libra (and sun) is opposed Uranus, which is bringing a far more abrupt energy then we’d usually see around a soft and contemplative Libra Moon.

This is not a time to sit on the fence, as much as this energy tends to favour holding back for the right moment, the right words etc. Uranus is the Great Awakener, and is triggering mass awakening of new conscious Souls and Destiny Partners. By trusting the signs and synchronicities you’re receiving as downloads, expanded consciousness is blossoming 🌷 Whether it’s a deepening connection with a lover or your own heart, awakening to your soul gifts and and purpose, you know you want more.

Now is the time to wholeheartedly jump into what makes your heart glow and grow. Because what you desire, desires you. You have to be willing to take a chance and back yourself completely. Because your Higher Self and the Cosmos does... and they are guiding you to receive more, align with a greater vision and unified purpose, merging with your divine feminine/divine masculine counterpart.

This is a time of moving forward consciously with an open heart. There may be triggers of old psychological patterns (Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio), but the key is to understand and witness just how much you’ve grown, especially since the August eclipse season. Keep peeling back those layers of vulnerability, and move with grace.

You were born to be real, not perfect.

Much love,
Katie xx

To look deeper at this new moon and how it affects you, take a look at your Natal birthchart to see what house this energy is playing out within your soul blueprint. Go to

Would you like to book an astrology consultation with Katie? Please contact her via email

Art by mega talented babe @harleyandj